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Jackhammer Overdrive

Jack Hammer Overdrive

Team: Solo Project

Role: Level Designer

Duration:  8 weeks 

Engine: Unreal Tournament

As a fan of the shooter genre, I wanted to explore designing a map that can provide equal advantage to all playstyles. I used Unreal Tournament as a way of introducing myself to the unreal workflow and also because it already had a character controller that was enjoyable to play. 


  • Create paths for players to access 

  • Have defenses and choke points

  • accommodate a variety of playstyles 

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Design Challenge #1

Accessible Paths

My first design challenge was to make it so that no matter where the flag holder is on the map, players can have easy access to all corridors to not only find them but also avoid obstructions. I've learned through playtests of my first iteration that once the flag is taken it becomes hard to reclaim it.


The way I went about it was to make the center of the map a common area that connects all hallways and floors. In addition, I wanted to avoid isolating the player on the second floor, by having them be able to jump from the first to the second floor easily.

In the refined map layout, I made it so that as soon as players respawn, there is access to the second floor right beside the spawn area. This allows the opportunity to immediately go up to retake the flag or defend from oncoming enemies. 

Design Challenge #2

Intense Moments

The next thing was to create intense battle scenarios, thus increasing the players engagement to the game. Ideally, I wanted to avoid the cat and mouse type of gameplay in which players are only focusing and constantly pursuing the flag holder. Instead, I opt to promote quick confrontation.

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I went about it through managing the games resources. Since part of the game loop includes replenishing the health, armor and ammo, I figured I could scatter them in specific locations to influence choke points and head on fights.  

Floor 1 and 2


Resource Map


Choke Points

Floor 1 and 2

Another solution was creating a common center area in which all pathways connect to. With it players are influenced to confrontation scenarios especially since by putting the strongest weapon in the center of the second floor makes it a more popular players can take while chasing flag holders

Design Challenge #3

Playstyle Variety 

From the playtests I've recorded, players tend to use their own ways of capturing and defending their outposts. I sought to redesign the map to assist players in motivating them to go on their chosen playstyle. Whether that be either defensive, stealthy or aggressive play patterns.  

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I put barriers for defensive players and snipers that want to get into ideal spots. In addition, the barriers in the center of the map help players from not getting sniped from across each base, whilst bombastic players can utilize the defensive spaces for duck and cover, while mobilizing on the capture point.

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One thing I wanted to keep in mind was balancing all playstyle, not giving any player a leverage. one way to go about it was for instance making the players who go after the most powerful weapon on the second floor with no cover and being expose to surprising fire from all sides

What I've Learned 

  • First person shooter defensive and offensive strategies

  • Level accommodation 

  • Resource management 



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