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Bob Sledaz

Team: Group Project

Role: Level and game designer, Artist

Duration: 1 Week

Engine: Unity


  • Create a responsive custom controller

  • Make it a co-op game

  • Get it done in one week

Bob Sledaz was a game made by me and a team of game designers in Sheridan College's week long game jam.


The goal of the game is to knock the other player off the iceberg while also trying to not slide off. 


The level had to be designed to fit two players simultaneously while they fight each other. During the design phase we brainstormed ideas for environmental hazards and powerups that pop up randomly all over the map. However due to time constraints I suggested we could have the hazard be in the center and once in a while it will pop up to randomly attack a player.

Through testing we noticed that one player would chase the other constantly which resulted them moving in spiral with no real conflict. we came up with the idea of having a shortcut that allows players to jump across and catch the other. In addition to the whale it would be a calculated risk for the player to make that decision.  


The intent of the game jam was to make a unique custom controller for the game using anything, we came up with a sled controller using two ropes and a Nintendo Switch Joy-Con. To turn the directions of the sled in the game, the player would have to pull on either side of the rope in real life. 

Rough Character and sled sketches


One of my tasks was to make rough concepts for the playable characters and the sled controls. Later I had to make an orthographic view of the finalized drawing for it to be modeled 

Bob Sled Orthographic view

Bobsled sketches.png

My other task was adjusting the Switch Joy con controllers. We used rope and duct tape to secure the controller in a card board slot, then I would configure the control settings in unity to make them responsive.


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